Our vegetable CSA is a weekly box of the best of what's growing on our farm. We choose 6 -10 items and deliver them to conveniently located pickup spots throughout the city. You'll get salad and leafy greens in the spring, tomatoes and beans in the summer, root veggies and squash in the fall, and much more! It's a seasonal tasting tour of Kentucky that lasts up to 30 weeks, from the first of May to the end of November. We also have a limited number of egg shares available from our small flock of free range chickens that are fed organic corn-and-soy-free food.
How many weeks will I get a box of delicious veggies?
We have two seasonal options:
Regular Season - 21 weeks of veggies, starting May 1 through October 9.
Extended Season - 28 weeks of veggies, starting May 1 through the week of Thanksgiving, November 27.
A note on our calendar - We take a break the first two weeks of August to give ourselves time to rest and reset the farm for fall and winter plantings.
What options do I have for size and cost?
We have 2 share sizes available, at two price points:
Regular Season - 21 weeks at $25.50/week, for a total of $535.50 for the season if paid in full up front (monthly payments also available).
Extended Season - 28 weeks at $23.93/week, for a total of $670 for the season if paid in full up front (monthly payments also available).
Can I get eggs too?!
We do have egg shares available as an add on option. It is $182 extended season/$136.50 for regular season for a dozen per week (this equals $6.50/dozen). If you would like eggs less frequently, you can add them to your box from the online store.
When and where do I pick up my order?
You can pickup on the farm in Eminence, KY! Come say hey to the cows and the chickens and grab your CSA too!
We have a couple of wonderful friends of the farm who offer their homes as host sites for CSA pickup In Louisville and Prospect. We have Wednesday pickup sites in Crescent Hill, the Old Highlands, Beechmont, and Prospect, and on Saturdays at the New Albany Farmers Market and the St. Matthews Farmers Market. We will provide you with more details once you have signed up.
We offer pickup at all Wednesday locations after 5pm. The famers market pickups are on Saturday from 8-12pm.